Red Swan Inn

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Alone in his room.
Raven 2 205 by Raven
Jul 24, 2007 23:56:15 GMT


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Red Swan Inn
This Inn dates back to 1664, and is located just south of the River Thames. It's a White structure that's typical of a classic looking building. The inside has an old world feel and has rather low ceilings in the older parts of the pub, as this Inn was often redesigned over the years. It is also a Pub and is frequently haunted. A Childs spirit is often seen in the Red Swan Inns room 13 sitting on the bed, dressed in clothes from the 18th century, It is said the child, a boy, was killed there. A young man is seen in the Pub, dressed in clothes dating from the early 20th century, he is most often seen sitting at a Pub Stool near the end of the Bar, and a Pint of Ale is left for him at closing, mysteriously found empty at the opening of the Pub the next morning. A 15 year old Girl dressed in clothes dating from the mid 19th century is said to haunt the entire building, though her favourite spot is the master suite, room 1. If you arrive at this pub, or the Inn, beware, for you may not be alone.
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